This area of the mouth tends to generate a lot of questions, so our dentist decided to give you the right information needed to sort through the facts and myths surrounding the topic of lip and tongue ties.
All babies have a piece of tissue that attaches the tongue to the floor of the mouth. For some babies, it is so tight, that they cannot move their tongues properly. This can affect their ability to breastfeed, take a bottle, or even use a pacifier. Tongue ties can also have other serious side effects such as sleep deprivation, poor bonding with the mother, and failure to thrive. In a similar way, a “lip tie” describes a situation where the lip is attached to the gums too tightly, making it difficult to get a good grasp on the nipple. Babies can have both lip and tongue ties occurring simultaneously. The mother usually exhibits symptoms as well, including pain during breastfeeding, mastitis (blocked ducts), and loss of milk supply.
Each case needs to be assessed on an individual basis, and we recommend that you book an appointment to do so first. The good news is that if needed, we are able to provide treatment for both of these conditions! Dr. Codreanu has had training in using laser and electro-surgery instruments to release tongue and lip ties.
If you think you or your child may be exhibiting any of the above signs, call us today to make an appointment!