Have you ever thought about the correlation between allergies and your oral health? As allergy season starts up with a vengeance, it can be difficult to go about your everyday activities. For those who may not get serious allergies, you are still liable to experience oral health issues more so around this time of year. For instance, the sneezing, itching, and difficulty breathing through your nose can cause a lot more harm than you think to your oral health, even if you don’t experience serious allergies. In addition to causing nuisances in your life, allergies can impact your oral health due to your mouth and nose being prime breathing passages. To ensure you’re able to practice dental care to the best of your abilities, take a few minutes to read through a blog from Coventry Dental to know the correlation between dental care and allergies. Remember, if you’re experiencing any oral related issues, you can always drop by Coventry Dental located in Stratford.
- DRY MOUTH AND BACTERIA — When allergies flare, you might get a stuffy nose, and start breathing through your mouth (especially while sleeping). While doing this provides some relief, your mouth begins to get dry. The lack of saliva creates a dry mouth and a breeding ground for harmful bacteria, which can cause bad breath, gum disease, and cavities.
- TOOTHACHES — When subjected to dust or pollen, pressure builds up in the maxillary sinuses located above the mouth. The pressure causes sensitivity in the upper molars. Antihistamines can ease the pressure, but in severe cases, the pain can be remedied by a dentist.
- SORE THROAT — When you inhale dust, a common cold can result in an itchy throat. The soreness and constant need to clear your throat leads to additional dryness and irritation that eventually contributes to bad breath.
You can tame allergies with antihistamines. When it comes to oral health, the best prevention is to practice good dental hygiene:
- REGULAR TOOTH BRUSHING — It might not prevent bad breath entirely, but it keeps harmful bacteria away.
- GARGLING — Gargling some warm, salty water relieves your throat and reduces harmful bacteria. It also helps rid you from some bad breath. Gargling can keep you hydrated with water and warm drinks like herbal tea (to keep both your mouth and body happy). For those with high blood pressure, skip the salt. Just warm water is fine.
- TALK TO YOUR DENTIST — If you have allergies bothering your teeth or gums, a dentist can help. Allergies may seem only seasonal, but there could be underlying health conditions that need attention.
If you’re concerned about your oral health due to allergies, then don’t hesitate to come to us about your dental care. Even if your allergies may be causing you some trouble, that doesn’t mean your oral health needs to cause you a problem as well. To learn more about how allergies may be affecting your oral health, contact us to schedule your appointment at (519) 305-9100.